Editor: Brezina, Aleš / Koukl, Giorgio
Product format: Performance score(s)
Instrumentation: Piano
Despite the extraordinary significance attributed toBohuslav Martinu's 14 short piano piecesentitled Puppets, surprisingly little is known about the exact time andcircumstances of theircomposition. It is however certain that these are the first works by Martinuwhich transcendedhis initial attempts at composition and they quickly found a publisher. Thanksto their lastingpopularity particularly with young pianists, they were published in numerouseditions. Thepieces take the characters of Italian commedia dell'arte as their theme;Pierrot, Colombineand Harlequin. Also included are dance and ball scenes, as well as scenes fromthe "privatelives" of the puppets. The three editions of Puppets were composed between1912 and1925 in reverse order. The works all differ from one another, beginning withdifferentaesthetic starting points and ending with piano writing which graduallymatures. Nowthe cycle is published for the first time in one volume.
- Martinu's Puppets now available in a collected edition- all three editions in one volume- newly revised based on available sources - new fingerings by Giorgio Koukl - preface and Critical Commentary by editor Ales Brezina (Cz./Ger./Eng./Fr.)
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0.30 kilograms
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By Carl Czerny / ed. Willard A. Palmer
Series: Alfred Masterwork Edition
Category: Piano Collection
Format: Book
Instrument: Piano
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
By Franz Schubert
Edited by Maurice Hinson and Allison Nelson
Series: Alfred Masterwork Edition
Category: Piano Duet (1 Piano, 4 Hands)
Format: Book
Instrument: Piano
Level: Advanced
Georg von Dadelsen (Editor)
Klaus Rönnau (Editor)
Hans-Martin Theopold (fingering)
Urtext edition, paperback
Pages 152 (VI+146), size 23.5 x 31.0 cm
Weight 590g