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Musicianship in Practice, Book III, Grades 6-8 (Pupil's Copy)

• provides practice tests and, where necessary, invaluable preparatory information and exercises, for ABRSM’s Practical Musicianship examinations, Grades 6-8
• also provides practice tests and preparatory information for the Musicianship Tests for the Advanced Certificate, since these are identical to some of the tests at Grade 8
• deals with many general matters of musicianship, including memorizing, transposition, sight-singing, and improvisation
Product Code : 9781854729378
Shipping Weight : 0.35 kilograms
Disclaimer : Image(s) shown is (are) served as product illustration only. It is used for general guidelines for customer visualization.
236,000 IDR
Stock Available


Aural tests are an integral part of all ABRSM Practical graded music exams. The Specimen Aural Tests provide teachers and students with many practice examples of the tests to use as part of a music lesson or when preparing for an exam.
173,500 IDR
Arranger: Ronald Smith Format: Book
213,000 IDR
Series: ABRSM Music Theory 2014 Department: Music Theory - Theory of music exams model answers
75,000 IDR
52,500 IDR