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Stream Of Praise Classic Collection 1 include CD

41 songs from 4 albums with bonus Prayer for China with CD

Searching, Awakening, It's Jesus , Arise,All For You,Children of Light, There Is A God, Whom Have I But You, From This Day On, A New Creation, I Receive Your Love, The Promise,Who is Like You,Arise and Shine,Grant Me Freedom, The Evening Sacrifice, The Sacrificial Love , Stream of Praise, Father's Beloved Child, Lord, I Worship You, The Navigator of My Life, Look Upon Jesus, A Prayer For China, Love, Joy and Life, It's Good to Know You, Abundant Life, Let Praise Arise, Praise The Lord, Rain of Blessings, Peaceful July, The Convenant Under The Rainbow, Creat In Me A Clean Heart, Almighty Jehovah, We Are the Children of Light, Jehovah's Blessings Abound, The Journey Through the Waves, My Love For You Will Never Change, Praise The Lord All Ye People, Only the Blood, Praise The Lord, O My Soul, This is the Day.
尋找 * 甦醒 * 是耶穌 * 起來吧 * 全然向袮 * 光明之子 * 有一位神 * 除你以外 * 從今天起 * 新造的人 * 愛我願意 * 與你有約 * 誰能像袮 * 興起發光 * 賜我自由 * 馨香晚祭 * 犧牲的愛 * 讚美之泉 * 天父的孩子 * 主我敬拜袮 * 生命的舵手 * 注目看耶穌 * 為中國祈禱 * 愛喜樂生命 * 認識袮真好 * 豐盛的人生 * 讓讚美飛揚 * 一切歌頌讚美 * 主賜福如春雨 * 平安的七月夜 * 彩虹下的約定 * 給我清潔的心 * 萬軍之耶和華 * 我們是光明之子 * 耶和華祝福滿滿 * 激起生命的浪花 * 我對袮的愛永不改變 * 你們要讚美耶和華 * 唯有主耶穌的寶血 * 我的心你要讚美耶和華 * 這是耶和華所定的日子。
Product Code : 9789868539433
Shipping Weight : 0.20 kilograms
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