Debussy composed this cycle, and other masterful late works, in the summer of 1915. He had withdrawn to a country house near Dieppe with his family and composed with fevered concentration. The self-critical composer was very proud of his Études: “I confess that I am pleased to have created a work which – false vanity aside – will occupy a special niche. In point of technique these Études will usefully prepare pianists for a better understanding of the fact that the portals of music can only be opened with formidable hands.” Debussy’s Études are today a milestone along the path of those desirous of becoming concert pianists.
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Series: Chester's Easiest Piano
Format: Books | Instrumental Tutor
Skill Level: Easy
Published on: 29 February 2008
No of pages: 64
Language: English
Author: Carol Barratt
showing virtuoso bravura. (Note that the Rondo in C Major for 2 pianos is not included here, but published separately in 00132310.) The National Edition of the Works of Fryderyk Chopin Published by PWM Exclusively Distributed by Hal Leonard Corporation Co-Editors Jan Ekier and Pawel Kaminski The objective of the National Edition is to present Chopin's complete output in its authentic form, based on the entire body of available sources. Sources were analyzed with up-to-date scientific and musicol