By David Hirschberg
Series: Hirschberg Fun Series
Category: Piano - Hirschberg Method
Format: Book
Instrument: Piano
This collection contains a wide variety of styles and periods and should provide an excellent repertoire book for the intermediate to late intermediate student. Contains: Aragonaise (Massenet) * Avalanche (Heller) * Flower Song (Lange) * Fur Elise (Beethoven) * Gypsy Campfire (Sugarman) * Little Overture (Lemont) * March (Prokofieff) * Minuet in G (Beethoven) * Music Box (Heins) * On a Magic Carpet (Lemont) * Portrait of Gershwin (Bermont) * Prelude in A (Chopin) * Ronda Alla Turca (Burgmuller) * Sonata in C (Mozart) * Spinning Song (Ellmenreich) * Waltz in Blue (Mittler) * Witches' Revels (Schytte).
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By Melody Bober, Gayle Kowalchyk, and E. L. Lancaster
Series: Piano for Busy Teens
Category: Piano Collection
Format: Book
Instrument: Piano
Level: Intermediate / Late Intermediate
11 Pieces with Study Guides to Maximize Limited Practice Time
Everything You Need to Know to Start Playing Now!
By Morton Manus, Willard A. Palmer, and Thomas Palmer
Series: Teach Yourself Series
Category: Keyboard/Piano
Format: Book & Enhanced CD
Instrument: Keyboard/Piano