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V. J. Carrola: The Worship Leader’s Guitar Hymn Book (with CD)

Arr. Vincent J. Carrola
Series: The Worship Leader
Category: Guitar Mixed Folio
Format: Book & MP3 CD
Instrument: Guitar
Version: Guitar TAB

This book features more than 30 classic hymns for a guitar-playing worship leader. For each hymn, guitar chords, lyrics, and melody are provided to enable simple strum style congregational accompaniments. For more advanced guitarists, an intermediate-level fingerstyle arrangement for each hymn is provided as well. Additionally, there are five advanced solo guitar arrangements that are excellent for use as instrumental preludes, postludes, recitals, and more.

The included data CD contains fully orchestrated play-along accompaniment MP3s for all 32 hymns for use during services and performances, plus the five solo arrangements. In addition, PDF lyric sheets that can be printed and distributed to the congregation are embedded on the CD. Finally, the included TNT software allows you to change the tempo of the recordings and even change key!

Titles: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name * Amazing Grace * And Can It Be? * Be Still, My Soul * Be Still, My Soul (Solo) * Be Thou My Vision * Blessed Assurance * Breathe on Me, Breath of God * Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing * Crown Him with Many Crowns * Fairest Lord Jesus * Faith Is the Victory * For the Beauty of the Earth * Glory to His Name * Great Is His Love Toward Us! * Great Is His Love Toward Us! (Solo) * Hallelujah, What a Savior! * Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty * Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty (Solo) * Jesus Paid It All * Lead Me to Calvary * Medley (Solo) * A Mighty Fortress Is Our God * My Jesus, I Love Thee * O Sacred Head, Now Wounded * Onward, Christian Soldiers * Onward, Christian Soldiers (Solo) * Redeemed * Rock of Ages * The Solid Rock * Take Time to Be Holy * There Is a Fountain * To God Be the Glory * Trust and Obey * Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus * What a Friend We Have in Jesus * When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.
Product Code : 39488
Shipping Weight : 0.45 kilograms
Disclaimer : Image(s) shown is (are) served as product illustration only. It is used for general guidelines for customer visualization.
297,500 IDR
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